Sprint distance Triathlon
Tough game. You might even wonder why so many Australian are into the crazy and expensive sports. You are commited to not one sport but 3 plus more. Swim, Run, Cycle...and you might need to incorpore regular massage, Yoga and Gym session.
We are not all freak when we train but we could train like a freak. Does it matter, No. But We are not the blame all the time. I am always so cheerful and happy to have a partner who support my sports and mood when I have to wake up early to train in cold water or in winter. We are crazy and they are brave.
A triathlon is a fun sports which take a big part of lots of Austraian life to fight against depression and obesity. Amazing what can a sport to your brain and your life.
Triathlon will help you to feel important, push yourself as you are still healthy and never on your own. You dont need to be the best, You might not at your best, but you are trying and you are not doing it alone. Most of the time, you got a friend involve or even a sports team...
So This is my first blog where I will talk about my experiences, your performance, some tips and fact about improving life.