Look after yourself
Well, my doctor took this picture few weeks ago now. I am fine. I am doing quiet lots of cycling to focus on Cycling this year for World championship in 2017 which will be in France next year. So I had few little pain on my chest sometimes.
So it is better to have a check up soon than later. I am good and Healthy.
I will recommend to anyone to look after their self and see a doctor. You GP will give you a referral for ICG Check up which should be taking care by Medicare. If you got any pain, or you do lots of sports like most of my clientele, crazy athlete, you should Have a chec
k up to see how regular and strong are your heart. It does not cost much, just 20 minutes of assessment and 20 minutes to walk and run in a treadmill.
From this little note, I wish you a long and happy life and fun training. Injury free.